
To manage your organisation effectively and efficiently so that it performs to capacity in all aspects, you need to know exactly how the various segments of your organisation perform, as well as how the work of these elements is harmonised into an entire organisational optimal performance. While in many cases, management would normally have a fairly good sense of how each element (or at least most of them) performs such knowledge is mainly intuitive, not necessarily substantiated enough. This situation may result in incomplete or even inadequate decision-making that would in turn bear negative influence on the organisation, its staff and its overall performance.

To refrain from such a deficiency and to be able to have all relevant decisions substantiated and backed by unequivocal factual basis, it is highly advised to institute an ongoing performance assessment as a part of your organisation daily routine. This means that a set of parameters and criteria needs to be drawn, together with the management – possibly with input from staff members – that would then be applied onto various aspect of the work done by individuals, sections and the entire organisation. Our Performance Analysis Suit, especially designed for this purpose and tested in numerous organisations, can resolve this issue for you and your organisation.  We shall define the particular parameters best suited for your organisation and its mission, along with criteria and weights accorded to each parameter. These will then applied to examine the actual performance of the organisation, its sections and its individual staff members so as to allow the management (and if it so prefers – the entire organisation) to better identify and understand key elements in the organisation and its work that obstruct its ability to maximise (or at least optimise) its performance.