
Setting the most effective project management structure and procedures 

Monitoring performance and planning it is required so that the organisation will always achieve its goals as defined by the management and endorsed by the personnel throughout the organisation. This is essential for the drive to enhance effectiveness and productivity of the work process within the organisation and for the optimal use of available resources. This in turn requires an on-going monitoring and analysis of the operational and overall organisational processes and of the performance of both management and workforce, coupled with a perennial review of the organisational structure and dynamics, the organisational objectives and the measures employed in order to achieve the business and organisational targets.

Every aspect of an organisation and its operation, be it a business, project, product, investment, cost – operational or otherwise, or expected revenue – needs to be scrutinised in such a manner so as to allow a better understanding of the organisation and its business environments. This analysis is performed, as a matter of course by ABC when it works with organisations and programmes, such as industrial production facilities, investment programmes and entities, academic institutions (in which case we also look into international ranking and appeal in all aspects), etc.

Here, a complete SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) is performed, helping the organisation under scrutiny to improve its profit-making activity and its overall production. This decision-support system can become a powerful tool for both the management and the other members of the organisation.

The organisation must always be aware, while pursuing any activity, of the cost of its operations, the potential funding sources and the expected revenues. Financial planning is thus required to be a continuously on-going process so that it can offer both management and the general membership of the organisation both monitoring of available finances and projection of expected spending and/or investment, expansion or development of new services, activities, markets, etc. This process also includes the setting of the budget (which is the financial representation of the operational action plans) as well as projections of financial results, such as sales, etc. Thus, this process enables the organisation to better achieve its overall objectives while maintaining its sustainability. It thus yields a better understanding of the economic consequences of current and future managerial decisions in all the activities of the organisation.